filtration theory中文什么意思

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  1. In addition , these methods rarely consider the case of multi - stage preloading . several studies has been made to solve these problems : ( 1 ) , an error processing is present to manage settlement data . based on fairing filtration theory , a fairing program is compiled to fair the observed data . ( 2 ) , according to classical consolidation theories , an analysis model of settlement data has been built under conditions of multi - stage preloading
    针对目前存在的问题,本文主要做了以下研究工作: ( 1 )建立了沉降观测数据误差处理流程,并基于光顺滤波理论,对沉降观测数据进行光顺处理,编制了光顺程序; ( 2 )结合经典固结理论,建立了分级加载条件下沉降数据分析模型。


  1. filtration stand 什么意思
  2. filtration sterilization 什么意思
  3. filtration stomach 什么意思
  4. filtration sump 什么意思
  5. filtration system 什么意思
  6. filtration treatment 什么意思
  7. filtration type 什么意思
  8. filtration under diminished pressure 什么意思
  9. filtration under pressure 什么意思
  10. filtration under reduced pressure 什么意思


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